How to Become Involved with the Movement Cenacles of Life

Come Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of Thy faithful.
And enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.
Help Spearhead the Growth of the Movement!
Start a Cenacle of Life in your Church (click here to learn how).
Pray the rosaries with your fellow parishioners, every week -week after week- before the Lord. Offer your fast.
Let your friends and family know that the Cenacles of Life Movement is growing, all across our nation, as a gift to Our Lord. Tell them at home, at Church, at work, wherever you go - that we are praying and fasting for Blessed Mother’s Intention, the end of the culture of death.
Make phone calls, to get the word out!
Send letters to the editor! Send a letter to the Catholic Newspapers that are Diocesan, National or (Inter)national describing the power of the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament, the power of fasting, the power of many, many people praying and fasting for the same intention.
Write an editorial for these publications!